When one partner sits on their own hand until it is numb, and then proceeds to give the other partner a hand-job.
Person 1: Xavier took me out last night, but when we were getting to his apartment my period started.

Person 2: How did that end up going?

Person 1: I gave him a familiar stranger while he drove me home.
by DARK_iCE February 2, 2011
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When two brothers engage in sexual intercourse with their mother.
This community is more tightly knit than a familiar sandwich
by Atma86 July 3, 2017
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Someone you meet and recognize, but your not sure how you know them. If you frequent college football tailgates, chances are your paths have crossed very early on a cold fall Saturday morning.
Jessica: Scott, this is Brad - Brad, this is Scott.
Scott: Brad I think I know you -- you're tailgate familiar.
by gizellelabelle January 27, 2010
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to "Familar Face" someone is to take an incriminating or embarassing picture and immediately post it on Facebook to embarass the person as much as possible
haha he can't drink, he'll be passed out in two hours. Make sure you "Familiar Face that shit.
by loaf-style June 2, 2011
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Previously held pussy that can be returned to easily when needed, craved, or available. However, this term doesn't apply to pussy that you have lost connects with.
Austin: I heard you fucked Maya last night. I thought you guys were just friends?

Malcolm: Yeah, we are.

Austin: Then what happened ? I thought she was just coming over to borrow your DVD player.

Malcolm: Familiar pussy man, Familiar pussy.
by UDaBest2016 February 2, 2016
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The dick you ve been training for years to please you. Is always there when you ll need it and always in the same level.
There is that one dude you ve been hooking up for years and sometimes you tried something new but you always go back to him. That's familiar dick
by HenOne January 22, 2021
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"I'm not familiar with that" is simply a term to use when you're caught red-handed.
Cops: We caught you driving 75 in a 25.

You: I'm not familair with that.

Girlfriend: It's over! I saw you kissing Beth, you jerk.

You: I'm not familiar with that.
by trees-don't-grow-on-money June 17, 2009
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