A phrase that is uttered by someone when they are in severe pain
Big oof,” said Jack whilst in severe pain.
by chconly July 12, 2019
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Often expressing disappointment, but can also be used to express excitement over a current situation.
Sam: My mom is pregnant again
Bob: Sorry man I should have used protection
Drew: Big Oof
by SamsMom69 October 15, 2019
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big oof is used to complement the fact that a girl is looking fine as hell
by kankerkutjes April 24, 2019
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When U don't have anything else to say but that one sound u keep on hearing when u die on ur christian ROBLOX server.
*Guy farts*
*Another Guy*: BIG OOF!
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An old as pedophile who plays roblox and is trying to snatch kids into their white van
Damn bro did you here that Mikey was Big Ooftoday by the guy 3 houses down
by effusive April 25, 2018
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A particularly strong or annoying enemy in a singleplayer video game, typically a boss or other non-recurring entity.
Guy playing video games: "God, this boss has killed me like ten times now!!"

Guy's friend: "That's a Big Oof Nibba right there. Sorry, man"
by captconan May 11, 2018
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