The act of masturbating especially in regions related to Champaign, Illinois.
"Man, I've been studying all day. Do you mind if I go get swoll on your couch and then take a nap?"

"Get iiiiit! I'll make you some coffee from glo j when you wake up"
by Champaign's finest August 9, 2012
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Someone who is buff or ripped. Usually the most badass person in the room is the swoll guy.
to be swoll you have to have a douchebaggish attitude and the muscle to back it up.

Swoll guys dont get drunk. they black out and get laid.

swoll is also a word to describe something badass
Damn did you see that guys muscle?? he's one swoll ass son of a bitch!

rob: aight we gotta take our creatine, hit the gym, then drink our protein when we get home.

steve: swoll.
by KidSwoll August 3, 2009
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The act of of becoming swole or muscular, and looking like a douche bag. Term often used by football players.
"Trenton said he's going swolling."
"He's such a douche bag."
by Darkflufatron April 21, 2016
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your so pissed off and heated
lol did u see steve get smacked in the face! lol , he's super swolled!
by drewdrew October 20, 2005
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equevelent to piss, or pissed off
yo, if u dont quit, i'll get swoll on your face!
by r.e.l. September 21, 2006
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Damn her ass is lookin swolled! Yo nigga, did you see him he is lookin big and swolled!
by ApeWild March 2, 2008
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