the way one represents him or herself in an uncool, loser-like fashion. Also known to be the opposite of Swag.
"Swag, something we asians got"

"You guys! Will you shut up, I'm trying to watch Gossip Girl!"

-Saying you have swag=SWOG
"I can play the piano sometimes,swag!"
"I just benched 135 pounds, swag!"
"I take a poo with the door open, swag!"
by arithegreat February 11, 2012
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Adjective; A sweggier version of sweg. So much sweg it becomes 'Swog'. Also associated with edgy memes and edgy things.
ie: 'Hey, that joke was so swog!'
ie: 'Your hat is the swoggiest thing I've ever seen!'
by tubster789 April 24, 2016
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The way one presents him or herself in an un-cool, loser-like fashion. Also known to be the opposite of swag. Synonyms: loser, lame, undesirable, douche, poser, not cool, wannabe, whack.
guy 1: "Hey what's up dude! Tight outfit bro."
guy 2:"you know I got swag!"
guy 1: " ha you mean swog?"
by bfly4lyfe February 11, 2012
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The way one presents him or herself in an uncool, loser-like fashion. Also known as the opposite of "swag"
Guys, will you SHUT UP?!?! Im trying to watch Vampire Diaries! #SWOG
by jazz386a2 February 1, 2012
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The way one presents him or herself in an uncool, loser-like fashion. Also known to be the opposite of Swag.
Guy: Hey girl, check out my swag chains.
Girl: Eww, swog!
by Avosetta January 31, 2012
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A mixture of both swag (cool) and pog (epic)
Yooo, OrangeSkyess on YouTube is so swog... Technoblade too
by MJLlama November 15, 2021
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Swog is the way one presents himself in an uncool, loser-like, fasion. Also known to be the opposite of swag.
Person 1-"Yo dude, nice outfit!"
Person 2- "Yeah, you know I got SWAG!!!"
Person 2 probably has no swag. SWOG!
by ArrowAndKnee February 18, 2012
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