Looking Cool, by the way you walk talk and dress.
Something that Jacquelyn is not and something that Brad is.
Brad has so much Swagger even when he rides in his Swagger Wagon
by Brad Schhhhhhhubra May 5, 2010
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To captivate others in a negative or positive way; To obtain instant attention; To be praised or hated on due to your style of dress, walk, talk, and/or looks.
Jesus had that swagger that everybody either wanted or hated on!
by TySel Entertainment April 10, 2009
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a person with confidence and sophistication that earns respect from everyone around them and is basically just really cool. UNFORTUNATELY one can lose their swagger, and instead have a not as cool, schwagger.
Joe used to have swagger, but now he's schwagging.
by eldwick123 April 6, 2010
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A highly sophisticated array of mannerisms, brought on by a constant interplay of genetic predispositions and environmental stimuli. The display of these mannerisms often occur autonomously through the unconscious mind, but may include purposeful actions through the conscious mind, as well.
Dev bleeds swagger in her new music video!
by telepathyah December 30, 2014
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Swagger is the confidence exuded as a reflection of ones dress, shoe game, attitude, and how one handles a situation.
You can learn how to dress just by jocking my fresh
Jocking jocking my fresh
Jocking jocking my fresh
Follow my steps, it's the road to success
Where the niggas know you thorough
And the girls say yes
But I can't teach you my swag
You can pay for school but you can't buy class
School of hard knocks
I'm a grad
And that all-blue Yankee is my graduation cap

--Jay Z////Swagger Like Us
by JennBunny89 January 1, 2009
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A person who dress's idiotically: pants half way down shit side hats stupid trainers small dick
Dan: Ohhhh shit man! You have swag on right now

Swagger: I know mate I look sick

Nerd (you): hello gay people. Swag isn't good it's shitty! You look idiotic you stupied kid!
Dan: says you nerd! You look shitty with your glasses!
by THE RAP GOD SLIM SHADY June 20, 2017
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poised, sassiness that can't be touched. It may be in the walk or it may be in the talk, but there is no doubt it means you own the room and you have that natural charisma. Basically, one with swagger dominates at life
"did you see marlene and ashley?"
"man, they have such swagger"
by vesler February 24, 2009
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