This is a variation of the word "scrotum". However, it should not be confused with the sack itself which scrotum refers to, but rather to the testes themselves.
"Gerald kicked me in the scrotes!"
by Chaid Haid November 7, 2007
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When a woman sports a beard made of nut juice.

See: Chin Tinsel
Hey! Don't try to kiss me with that Scrotee. Go clean up first.

And use mouthwash.
by 1troglodite April 7, 2009
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Verb: to scrote.

The act of placing your testicles back inside your body (as they do when cold) leaving nothing but your scrotum skin hanging down. You then place this loose skin between both of your hands (or indeed, your partners hands) and rub back and forth to create friction.

Inventive new torture, or fun masturbatory aid? You decide.
Bored of his usual technique, Sam decided to go scrote one off with his friend, Sean.
by Jazz P June 16, 2007
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A person who looks like the back of my balls , in general just a twat who doesnt have a clue whats going on in this planet . Usually you would see a scrote around the belfast area of northern ireland , with with their berghaus flece and their nike air flumper dumbers.
by jamie van gunter May 31, 2011
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A worthless piece of shit, a BMW driver that never indicates when changing lanes, a term of abuse usually aimed at someone younger that you.
oi you little Scrote cutting me up on your Moded,

you dirty litle scrote, leave that girl alone....
by Dreaditor..... June 9, 2005
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Term used for a tweaker/ lowlife person. Commonly used among Alaska's law enforcement community to describe them.
The scrotes have been hanging out around the hardware store lately.
by stevenb6789 July 20, 2021
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