When a married couple decide to spice up their love-making, they do the Santa Claus. This consists of the man sitting down in a Santa costume while the girl gets butt-sexed. She then proclaims, "I've been a naughty girl." and Santa says "I'm giving you a lump of coal this year." She then yells out "I'll give YOU a lump of coal!" and then proceeds to defecate on his penis.
Jeremy: "Let's spice up our sex life with the Santa Claus."
Korey: "Are you sure? We just ate Taco Bell..."
Jeremy: "Oh shit, let's do it on the tile then."

Keith: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit. It's December 24th"
Vahid: "So what does that mean?"
Keith: "Santa Claus is coming to town tomorrow (winky face)"
by JJ Dahmski November 22, 2010
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Santa Claus is a creepy stalker who tries to make up for it by giving you gifts. He "sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake, knows if you've been good or bad". See? Stalker. Not only that, but he knows where you live, your name, who you have a crush on, and everything else about you. Also rather stalkerish. Plus, he's a fatty. He must be what, 500 pounds? How does he fit through the chimney? And if you don't HAVE a chimney? He's also a greedy thief, as he steals your milk and cookies if you leave them. D: Another thing would be his signature laugh, "Ho ho ho!", which is hardly nice if you get what I'm saying. D: The bottom line: Santa Claus is a greedy thief, creepy, and a stalker.
This freaky boy is stalking me! He's such a Santa Claus!
by Breanna19 December 22, 2008
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Most Known as *Hitler from Christmas* Santa Claus is a big fat dick elder, that sometimes acts kinda pedophile by eating his elf´s ass and pussy.
by Santa claus pedophile??? nein December 27, 2022
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A person that likes to commit crimes like breaking and entering. Also has diabetes from how many fucking cookies he eats.
Santa Claus is not real people.
by Lilfam October 3, 2018
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A shit excuse for your parents to eat cookies and drink wine, also it's just your dad smooching your mother not an overweight fat old man cheating on his wife.
Child: is santa claus coming?
Dad and Mum: Oh yeah ;)
by _NotEllis_ January 25, 2018
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The morbidly obese man that breaks into houses every year on December 24th and eats all of the food in your house. If you ever see him in your house, run. Santa Claus will give out presents to kids that he finds attractive and the ugly ones get coal. The presents usually have trackers in them as he handmade them with his children slaves that he kidnapped, also known as “elves”
Sometimes you may find some very small elves in your house. Dispose of them immediately because they have cameras in them. Santa isn’t your friend. He’s a child predator.
*kid wakes up*
oh my goodness it’s santa claus and he is in my room
santa claus: ho ho ho get in my fabric sack
kid: *climbs into fabric sack*
santa claus: hahaha now you are my elf
*the kid was forced to make toys until the end of time*
by SteeringWheelFaceReveal June 12, 2023
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A large pedo that likes when little children sit on his lap and tell him what they want for christmas. He also usually watches little children to monitor their behaviour so he can alter their christmas presents.
Santa claus is coming to town...

He sees you when you're sleeping...
He knows when you're awake...
He knows if you've been bad or good...
He's a stalker for goodness sakes...
by Booty boy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) March 26, 2016
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