Rani is a name given to those who are special. He's a very sexy and handsome king. He's smart and very athletic. He has power over his friends and is a leader in society. He is very stubborn and thinks he's always right. Rani is a very competitive person who would do anything to win. He's very good at all sports. He could be mean with a specific person sometimes but is friendly with everybody else.
Patricia: My boyfriend is such a Rani!
Alissa: OMG! You're so lucky! I wish i could have one too..
by L23_King_Lebron July 14, 2018
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Rani is a goat that will strike you down from the heavens if you cheat on your boyfriend or girlfriend. Rani will absolutely destroy you.
Did you cheat on rebecca? Looks like Rani's going to strike you down from the heavens.
by StickySteve March 3, 2020
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\Ra-Arn-Nee\, noun:adjective:adverb:
1. A clumpsy peron or/and act of clumpsyness.
2. A threat
3. Bridget Jones
4. A threat to kitchens
Person A: "omg i burnt my kitchen down!" *gay emo*
Person B: "its okay, everyone acts Rani sometimes"
by wanga September 4, 2007
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A extremely rare cat, known to be partners with Vikings. There is about one rani meow left in the world, in the 400 B.C. Rani meows were used to make jackets which possessed magical qualities.
I don’t know about you but I’m feelin rani meow too.
by Fairy tales December 3, 2019
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the most talented bollywood actress ever, far better than most plastic barbies
Aishwarya Rai can't match up to the standards set by Rani Mukerji
by LOL_GUY August 7, 2010
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A cheap call scammer from India who is terrible at science.
Rahul Rani: "Please, I need the money. My family is dying!!!"
Old Lady: "F**k you, you scammer, and get a new headset while you're at it!"
by 09876543q April 12, 2023
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