He is going to Fuck-me-in-the-ass prision once we cut his balls off in this war.
He's going to die! and we're going to enjoy it! because no one fucks with america! no one! and peace lovers dont know shit about this war! if they did theyd be for it! go read the newspaper you dumb fucks
by Turtlemonkeys March 30, 2004
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Aww, the democrats campaign is like Rake Yohn now.
by Bye Bye Dems March 24, 2004
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Thank God Iraq has finally been liberated from this evil tyrant bastard!!!!!!!!!!!1
Iraq just had it's first elections free of Rake Yohn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111oneoneone
by Fackyouman February 16, 2005
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If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Mr. Yohn, please contact your local authorities.
For info. on the case, visit www.fbi.gov.
by Sack March 13, 2004
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one of many tyrannical bastard dictators who needs to get the FUCK out
What the hell is wrong with you people? You saying you'd rather have Rake Yohn than Bush? No wonder the rest of the world hates us.
by alex March 21, 2004
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rakeyohn spelled wrong. see rake-yohn, rake+yohn, rake:yohn.
by Jersey February 24, 2004
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