Basicly a bunch of salty little 11 year olds thinking there good because they got a headshot and 56 year old men saying that was a headshot sweetie but you could give head.
Biggguy56 said hey there hunkygunky347 can tickle your pickle for a nickle. rainbow six siege
by quandel dingle balls May 4, 2022
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R6 is a very well known 5v5 tactical shooter game that you either are very good at or too shit to control recoil. Unlike Call of Duty, R6 is a 1-shot-headshot game but with even worse hit boxes! Throughout the years, the game has had its ups and downs (mostly downs) but it’s fun every couple of months.
“Yo dude you wanna play some Rainbow Six Siege?”

“Nah bro I wanna play a game that the developers actually about”

Good point let’s play some Minecraft
by psychoticzombie April 19, 2023
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A video game where if this is the only game you play then your just a bunch of gay males who talk about which guys is the hottest in the classroom then meet the next day on the swings to make out
Luke: Hey did you hear mike is addicted to rainbow six siege
Arthur: Yeah he must be really fucken gay
by FrostedFlakes69 April 17, 2020
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The is game is fun to play with ur homies (Logan and Zack)
Let's play some rainbow six siege and let's kill some people (Logan and Zack)
by Caeden March 18, 2016
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BEST UBI bug game
p1 : do u play CSgo?
p2: yes I do

p1: add me as a friend plz
p2: I also play Rainbow Six siege and Battlefield V
p1: marry me :)
by biming February 8, 2019
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Term for two hot friends that love making out with themselves. Usually evolves pigs and donkeys. It also intends that you want to get cheated on by all of your partners.
Laura: "I really want to hop on Rainbow six siege."
John: "Please don't, I've gone through 15 girlfriends in the past 15 days."
by Ulty May 3, 2022
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