Girl, you got a PW the size of Mt. Fuji. Fix your shit.

What up PW!?
by annakilla April 7, 2010
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PWS: Pockets, Wallet, Shoes. It's the once over you give yourself when a drunk street magician comes up to you and offers to show you a card trick and at first you half expect him to screw up, drop the cards and barf on you, but then he proceeds to pull off a trick that both blows your mind AND has you questioning reality for the next 45 minutes. You do the PWS once-over, 'cause if he can do that, then what else is he capable of?
Wow, that was some trick. First, PWS: pockets, wallet shoes. Check. Now, for the important question: Why is it that I can't fry an egg with my mind?
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 21, 2010
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Last night Mike did the PW.
by nate August 8, 2004
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abbreviation: Piss Weak
An Amateur Radio term for a station
with a very weak radio signal.
I hear another station in there but he's really PW !
by AM Gangsta April 15, 2005
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"Urgh, I suffer from PWS"

It can be used with anyone with the last name "White" or nickname "Whitey"
by zero-beat October 15, 2010
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is an epidemic sweeping drunken girls everywhere

The girl has fornication while under the influence of alcohol and then cries afterwards because she realizes how big of a slut she is.

Sometimes the girls will even call it rape, when it isn't
"Gosh dude, I wish this wasn't so drama filled."
"Yeah, me too."
"Well if that bitch wouldn't cry due to pws we wouldn't have any problems.
by winston44 August 12, 2007
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