When you poop on a FUPA. (Fat Uper Pubic Area).
I got totally wasted last night, I did a Poopa on a FUPA to Mary Kate last night!
by FUPAman123456789 January 11, 2022
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1. Status of da poopa
2. Extremely gayboy
3. Also see; L2D
A lot of homework is extreme poopa status.
by BFL April 22, 2005
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a poopa troopa is the equivilent of a soldier (usually) gay, who scans for nice buttholes to have sex with in the shower most likely. there names are usually dylan derived from the creator of this belief, and hitler did it too.
'dat poopa troopa fucked up my ass, ill tell you that right now.'
by berico parachute October 6, 2006
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A shit so big it could be confused for an escaped oompa loompa covered in chocolate.
Bill shit out a massive poopa loompa earlier this evening. I warned him he had better flush that fucker down before Wonka comes looking for it!
by Morecowbell December 31, 2020
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When you sit down to take a shitter and you pop out a pooper. When the pooper is popped, then they are the pooper popper. In a formal setting, it should be said as "pooping a pooper."
Have you seen my boy Gary? Yea, he's poppin a poopa in the bathroom.
by poopa poppa October 21, 2019
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