When you finish in your significant others face while screaming "you get it in the face! You get it in the face!"
Oh my god, it was so hot when my boyfriend and I had sex, then he surprised me with the Oprah Winfrey.
by PhoenixFury36 May 18, 2016
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A hard working black woman who picked herself up from a life of molestation and poverty to becoming a respectable talk-show host who touches millions. instead of having the usual high-status celebrity guests, you'll find a great deal of her guests are at low or average class sharing their stories with the show as oprah compares and relates the situation to her life.
Has spent millions of Dollars on children in africa.
Continues to be an overall great loving person.
by cathy pacheco February 19, 2004
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1954-, television talk show host, actor and all-around American success story.
"Oprah Winfrey is starring in four upcoming movies!"

"Doesn't surprise me, Oprah's a legend."
by golden pineapple August 27, 2018
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Better known as OWN, this is a channel exclusively dedicated to 24/7 daytime programming, but is subject to change in the future, as it is still in it's infancy. Also serves as an early sign of Oprah's plans of dominating the world taking place.
Person A: Hey, Oprah Winfrey has her own network now called the Oprah Winfrey Network.

Person B: Word? You won't catch me watching that shit.

Person A: True, but it won't be long now until you hear about an Oprah Winfrey country populated by nothing but middle-aged housewives.
by Tekkenfreek234 January 4, 2011
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When a chick, who is usually fat, gets skinny, then fat than skinny again. But she always ends up fat for a while, suffering from not being able to stay skinny. Named for Oprah's constant wait loss and eventaul regain.
Ted: That cow Hillary is fat again! She was skinny last week!
Pat: Poor bitch has Oprah Winfrey's Disease! She can't keep the wait off.
by APT October 13, 2005
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