A situation in which 75% of people who RSVPd to a party end up bailing at the last minute. Happens to some people's parties a lot more than others.
Early party attendee: Is this going to be a bail-o-rama?
Party host: Well, six people just cancelled via text, but you're here!
by penny century March 2, 2011
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When you walk into a person and try to dodge the person but the person dodges in that way,you do it again and therefore begins a body-leaning war. It often lasts for ~1.5 seconds.
"Yesterday,I did a dodge-o-rama with a random hot girl on a street. That was awkward."
"You won't believe what happen! I did a 6-second lasting dodge-o-rama,like it felt an eternity xd."
by NonBad March 2, 2020
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when a critical mass of doucheness is present in a gathering and starts to distract from why everyone is there in the first place.
We better get everyone back on track or this is just going to be another douche o rama like the last time.
by cromn August 22, 2014
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when you are at a club, bar or party and utterly surrounded by skanks
It was a complete skank o rama last night at the party.
by rommate s dirty girl January 13, 2010
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When something is so disgusting, it not only requires a single vommit, it requires a whole vommitting session.
Oliver Jonas Queen: "I'm going to put maple syrup on my eggs"

Perry Mason: "Eggs touching maple syrup? Vom-o-rama"
by Apron Boobs Face July 6, 2010
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An extreme over-abundance of semen.
What a spooge-o-rama!
by Fatal Error July 23, 2003
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