To finish a race or competition in a frantic fashion. To come from behind to win a race in a frantic finish.
hey yo look, he pulled a Norman.
Hey son hes gonna pull a Norman
by Infectious April 1, 2007
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code for porno invented by cool cats from southern minnesota
"dude! i found a great new norman site!"
by facey mcmymom September 9, 2007
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Slang for breasts.
Only deployed with breasts of ample size.
Akin to words such as: Jugs, Milkers

Mate, check out the Normans on that bird over there - they're enormous!
by HenryIX April 8, 2009
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A ballhog in soccer.
When a really good player knows that he's the best and keeps the ball from all the "not as good" players on the team.
Tom: Dude, that idiot's hogging the ball again.
Shaun: What a Norman!
by Sukai December 8, 2008
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norman is a noun to be used after a degrading adjective. Usually used to make fun of yourself or other people.
'look at that ugy guy! He's such a spotty norman!' 'eww. i am so skinny. I'm such a knobbly norman!'
by halee rae October 11, 2005
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