A complete ass that you unfortunely have to respect because he has a power trip
Wow that teacher is such a leighton!
by fhsclassof2003 September 2, 2009
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usually a douche bag with serious bipolar issues
"you know leighton well..im sorry"
by sarabby89 February 19, 2015
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A person that posseses unusually small genitals is usually referred to as a "Leighton"
That guy is a Leighton, iv seen bigger bollocks on ants than that fucking ingred bastard!
by Steven Dickinson August 10, 2006
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A person that posseses unusually small genitals is usually referred to as a "Leighton"
That guy is a Leighton, iv seen bigger bollocks on ants than that fucking ingred bastard!
by Steven Dickinson August 10, 2006
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Usually blonde, a bit gay and possesses small genitals, has no brains or muscles. Does terribly in school, is a bit frisky and a douchebag. Plays golf, tennis or badminton. A total dickhead that you should avoid.
Oh, that guy? He's a bit of a Leighton, so try and avoid that faggot.
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Only likes drunk girls who can't say no to sex.

Sometimes referred to as going "Full Melman".
Damn bro, you went full Leighton on that girl.
by Nigga from Nigeria March 20, 2019
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Leightoned means you get friend-zoned with who ever it is (boys and girls). It means you will never have a girlfriend or boyfriend because they are your friend. You have failed to impress and in doing so stopped your chances to copulate. They have been Leightoned.
Girl 1: Do you fancy him?
Girl 2: No, not really. I think he's been...
Girl 1 and 2: (simultaneously) Leightoned!
by Fortypercentbattery March 31, 2014
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