KB = in street terms its Kind Bud or if you wanna be a technical bitch it stands for Kilobytes

really dank pot; delicious smelling weed
by James Carpenter March 17, 2003
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A shortened, text-version of "keyboard."
"Hey, where did you go?"

"Sorry, I spilled baked beans all over my kb"
by ignoremeplzthanks November 11, 2019
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Someone with one Korean parent, and one Black parent...
Out of all the Blasians, the KB women are the most attractive!
by KB Will July 31, 2019
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1)Shortened for Knock-back. When someone asks another to have sex with them but they reject the asker.

2)Now commonly used in the Uk as rejected
1) 'Hey baby wanna shag?'
'No thanks.'
'Omg you like totally kb'd me

2) You start talking to someone and they ignore you
Aaah! KB
by BettyTom October 5, 2007
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KB really means Kind Bud it's used to describe sensimilla or seedless weed that should usually be soft, green, sticky, and contain orange or red hairs and or crystals. This term is used if the chronic you find is usually the same type of high grade weed. If you don't have any Purple Haze or Blueberry in the area and all you're used to is regular Chronic it's called KB.
"Hey what's up you tryna get a dub/gram of some killa KB?"


"Aight that's $20"
by Phil February 28, 2005
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Acronym for Kenne Bell supercharger. Very popular upgrade for Mustangs GT's and Mustang Cobras.
Dude, have you seen KrAsS's new KB Cobra? It hauls like no other.

MW Rules.
by KrAsS January 30, 2005
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