A word referring to the hairstyle(or the people wearing the hairstyle) worn mainly by the Italian-American young men(who think they're in the mafia) that fashion their hair with gross amounts of styling product to create a virtual Italian Afro; looking like their wearing a spikey haired helmet. Thus resembleing the character "Goku" from the Dragon Ball Z series.
Tom: Hey, look at that "Goku" over there, he thinks he's a tough guy or somethin.

Friend: Yea, those Italians.... That hair style is so played out.

Tom: He looks rediculous.
by AJK47 February 23, 2007
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One who is heavily built, muscular.
It's not Fat, it's all muscle!
by Dante April 9, 2003
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Character in the anime Saiyuki...means 'one who sees the effemerable nature of life'. He likes to eat a lot and his quote is 'I'm Hungry'. He is the strongest person on the show
by dave February 26, 2005
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Monkey that was born from a magical rock and attempted to take over the heavens. Traveled with a pig, a water demon, and a Bhuddist Monk in search of a sutra in the Chinese novel: The Journey West.
The only thing Goku ever says is "I'm hungry".
by Ryudo December 12, 2003
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Solos your mid ahh verses
Some obese loser: rimuru, anos, saitama,hajun,superman,sonic,giorno,madoka, solos

A educated rich person: goku negs those unknown fodders. 😹🙏🏻🙏🏻 And lose some weight fatass
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An alien from a planet who can change into different types of multitudes to show how powerful he is.
Goku: Hey vegeta!
Vegeta: What do you want?
Goku: Everytime i change into a super form my hair changes.
Vegeta: mines does the same too dude:
by Tristan Metellus August 1, 2021
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The Most Ultimate being in all of Dragon Ball, which in who rejects all of the laws of logic and reality to himself. Son Goku is one the transcendent beings of Dragon Ball, no-one is able to kill him nor Zeno, All 12 Gods, Angels, and the Grand Priest himself.
by Tohru (: September 17, 2021
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