A term used to describe freshman, typically in high-school.

A "frosh" is typically out-of-line, annoying, cocky, over confident, hormonally-driven teenager. Frosh are also known to cluster in packs such as wild animals do. Frosh are commonly seen in a school cafeteria or "commons". Frosh will frequently get lost, make stupid comments, and try to suck up to upperclassmen. There are some "legends" known as the Anti-Frosh which is any freshman's worst nightmare.
Dude, you are such a freakin' frosh. Who do you think you are? Get in the back of the line.

"In order for high-school students to live a happy and peaceful school year, the frosh must be constantly shot down, physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally." - Anti-Frosh HandBook
by Dahman316 June 13, 2009
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a freshmen in highschool. - not to be mistaken w. frotch (fire crotch)(although both are considered a low blow) - alternative form: froshie
oy! i have to hang w. that frosh again? - what a tool!
by jess2 March 17, 2004
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FRESHMAN, FRESHMAN, do something crazy, do something crazy, keg stand, keg stand!
by taco.taco May 27, 2010
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freshman at a high school. commonly referred to as "fresh meat". unanamously hated with most upper class men.
"what the hell man? who said you could bring the frosh? jessus man... how low do you go?"
by ¡galletas! December 17, 2008
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1. Verb: to send out any mass-mail, regardless of it's recipiants, through the Bergen County Academies mailing service.
2. Noun: the former address given to each new incoming freshman class at the Bergen County Academies of Hackensack, NJ.
---froshed, froshing
I just recived five hours of detention for froshing one of my regular spams. And, this wasn't even one of the offensive ones!
I need to send out an e-mail to frosh in order to make sure that we have all the Frosh Madness participants ready to go on Monday.
by Hooters for Lunch September 23, 2005
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Being screwed over for no other reason than the fact that you're a freshman, being made fun of for being a freshman in any way.
I got froshed walking home from school.

When I asked about my schedule, I got totally froshed by the people in the office.
by Juliana [= September 9, 2008
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