official automobile of white trash everywhere, but only if it's 4 different colors of primer or has a bird painted on the hood mismatched tires help too
Wow Joe that's a bitchin Fire Bird you got there.*scratches mullet* Damn straight Billy Bob. Wanna help me paint it next summer?
by ducttape16 March 30, 2003
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An asshole who frequents IRC and has recieved several "Official Channel Asshole" awards.
Holy shiznit! Firebird just tried your n00b ass!
by Anon October 17, 2003
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The Firebird Formula is the most badass car you can buy for under 20 grand. Its the best Firebird you can buy surpassing the horsepower and torque of the Firebird Trans Am and completely anilates any pussy that drives a Mustang. Often referred to as the best american muscle car ever made considering its light weight and alot of horsepower. The car looks really good with the WS6 ram air hood and t-tops. This car is all around the most badass motherfucking pussy stomping mustang killing beast you can buy for almost nothing not to mention burns rubber like a male pornstar fucking a hooker. If you come across a Firebird Formula its generally not a good idea to race it considering it will shit on your stupid fucking import that you got from the cheap ass chinese bastards.
Person 1: Did you see that Civic get smashed?
Person 2: Yeah but what the hell was he racing?
Person 3: That there gentalmen is a fucking "Firebird Formula"
Person 1: Damn! I want one of those badasses
Person 2: Hellz Yeah bitches
by MustangKiller October 20, 2011
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a mullet that is sported by camaro and firebird owners
Oh my god, I can't believe that guy in that IROC-Z has a firebird fluff.
by mike19861999 November 26, 2010
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When you are having sex with a girl and it is hot n heavy and you feel the erge to cum, but you dont want to finish. So you take a rubberband or you can use your hand an put it tightly around your dick restricting the flow and causing the skin to turn red.
Jim: "I was having sex with Ashley last night and it was so hot i wasnt going to last, so i pulled a dirty firebird."
Chuck:"really? Did it work?"
Jim: " hell yeah"
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a sex position in which a woman does a hand stand and splits at the same time and the man gets a running start and jumps on top of her thrusting inside and balancing himself out on top of her.
Friend: What your favorite sex position?
You: Mongolian Firebird of course!
Friend: There's no way you could actually pull that off!
by Patient Xero April 16, 2016
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When your girlfriend puts a fireball candy into her mouth, then gives you a blowjob.
Damn that bitch give me an Alaskan firebird, my dick hasen' t stopped burning
by Smokeyfingers621 January 1, 2019
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