the finals are tomorrow..

shit; i gotta study for the finals..
by J_R0Ck August 12, 2007
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Big tests that are worth too much and are supposedly important.
Why am I writing this? I have finals due yesterday!
by Awnold January 18, 2008
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When someone ends a friendship or relationship actually giving you a reason, verses disappearing without an explanation.
"At least it was finality when Jim said he doesn't want to stay together because I won't put out. My last boyfriend just drifted off and never told me what the problem was."
by catluver42 December 17, 2007
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The "final" day of reckoning in a class when your presumed knowledge is tested and found to be lacking.
by Lion055 August 15, 2008
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F uck
N ever
A ctually
L earned
S hit

or in other words that exam you take that counts for so fucking much that it can make you fail and have to go to summer school and not be accepted into a good college which causes you to form a band and become famous but kill yourself with a shotgun in the face.
I'm supposed to be studying for my algebra final but instead i'm putting in the definition of FINALS on urban dictionary to pass time.
by 21patrick60 June 3, 2009
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Time of year when you seriously consider moving into the wilderness
Happens twice per year
Finals week again, have you seen my map of the Adirondacks?
by pancakesandshit December 12, 2014
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asian: hwa eyy a hwo kazika! (asian for "finals are today")

me: dammit. Can we switch brains for the day?

asian: Mwoi how gui-lo! (asian for "stupid whitey")
by white trash from SWHS June 7, 2010
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