3 definitions by 21patrick60
by 21patrick60 June 3, 2009
a widely used gramatically "incorrect" past form of swim. The correct past form of swim is swam, but it sounds stupid to say, so we usually say swum instead.
21patrick60: dude i wish we had swum at your grandparent's instead of playin gears all day & givin up on wave 19
bob: wait i hav an idea! lets hit eachother with lightsabers like mature 15 year olds!
bob: wait i hav an idea! lets hit eachother with lightsabers like mature 15 year olds!
by 21patrick60 June 11, 2009
F uck
N ever
A ctually
L earned
S hit
or in other words that exam you take that counts for so fucking much that it can make you fail and have to go to summer school and not be accepted into a good college which causes you to form a band and become famous but kill yourself with a shotgun in the face.
N ever
A ctually
L earned
S hit
or in other words that exam you take that counts for so fucking much that it can make you fail and have to go to summer school and not be accepted into a good college which causes you to form a band and become famous but kill yourself with a shotgun in the face.
I'm supposed to be studying for my algebra final but instead i'm putting in the definition of FINALS on urban dictionary to pass time.
I'm supposed to be studying for my algebra final but instead i'm putting in the definition of FINALS on urban dictionary to pass time.
by 21patrick60 June 3, 2009