an overly sensitive, emotional hetrosexual male or an extremly femine male. The allusin is to the enemies of Jamie Sommers, "The Bionic Woman" who were femal impersonating female. The connotation is that this man is so intouch with his feminie side he dosent have to fake or act.Its automatic, like a robaot, thus making him a fembot and the enemy of uncaring, insensitive males everywhere.
Kevin actually cried when Tash'a cat died? man, he is such a fembot.
by Dwayne Boyd December 31, 2005
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A woman who is tired of touchy-feely friendships and being the vulnerable one in romance, a new breed of steely female, beating guys at their own game.
She doesn't feel need to conform to situations that call for being fake-nice or openly emotional.
She is realistic and tells is like it is while still being civil, appropriate and fairly considerate to others who might be more 'soft.'
"I might want to get to know a girl at my office who seems cool. But why bother? It's too much work to become someone's friend, and I don't know if I'm going to be here in six months... I may be a fembot but oh well!"
by Cory Seeger August 3, 2007
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you see that fembot kevin is dating?
by jester September 30, 2003
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A person you see on Omegle often. Yes, often. They are the annoying sons-a-bitches who paste bulla sheit for reasons unknown to anyone but themselves.
They have taken on many forms, and the most common is listed below.
This is a fembot:
You: Hi!
Stranger: hey! my name is sara and i just turned 18 and I am about to do my first webcam. I want as many people to see me get completely naked for my first time
Stranger: My webcam is -link- Do you think I'm hot?
Stranger: oh shit the webcam just started
Stranger: srry, i have to get off Omegle... i'm gonna start now. see if you can join asap
by TuerBlancMars July 10, 2010
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A combination of the words female and robot, used to describe the dry pasty bitch that always sits in front of the lecture and asks a fuck load of questions, they have no swag, there hair is atrocious and they generally never invest in there sex appeal much the same way a robot cannot be distracted from what is programmed to do a fembot can never be peer pressured into having the slightest bit of fun, they have no sense of humor or adventure and worst of all they NEVER PUT OUT! So don't bother charming them, they always sit by themselves due to there lack of friends.
Person 1: I was chatting up that chick with the oily hair for a whole semester and when I though we were gonna have sex she started doing calculus.
Person 2: I told you bro she's a fembot 5000
by gunny bunny April 13, 2012
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A teenager that was brainwashed by 4th wave feminism and now is part of KAM and for some reason hates all men.
These young women are usually in there rooms complaining about something .
They claim to have every mental illness in the book.
“Did you see Hannah today with that 97% Bullshit

“Yeah she was such a Fembot”
by Chasek10 April 9, 2021
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n, 1) bile inducing, mind numbing, soul destroying, life sapping, god awful wankload of shit. 2) A pointless programme in which the Help option tells you to use features that don't exist. 3) A programme that saves your current work over every other FEMBOT file on your computer. 4) The bane of any users existence
I hate FEMBOT! IT's went and saved over all my other work again
by Pete February 8, 2005
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