Aussie slang for not wanting to, or not having the energy and motivation do something.
"Man, i really can't be fucked changing the channel, let's just watch Springer."
by Diego July 8, 2003
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A saying that means "i cannot handle this" or, "wow". A saying that shows disblelief.
girl 1 "that skinny girl was all like 'omg im so fat' "
girl 2 " (rolls eyes) i cant"

example 2
jan "did you see her facebook status? she wrote about how she's so hot and everyone wants her"
karen "ugh i cant bro"
by ican December 9, 2010
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A friendly way to say you aint on my level or you cant handle this or get on my level
joe: awe this kush is killin me
bill: ahh. let me find out joe cant hang

*joe throwin up in tha toilet*
bill:haha joe cant hang
by somenigga1491 May 14, 2010
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Its when your unable to cook most of these people are named ben
example 1: look over there bens trying to cook

example 2: ben cant cook look at him go

example 3 how did ben fail cooking class
by Darkblood__ July 9, 2021
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