A camel in Arabic slang is a extremely Traditional, yet uncultured person, they usually post videos and pictures of them driving a car(most likely a Nissan patrol) in the desert while a traditional arabic song(most preferably a melancholic song) is playing in the back.
That camel, Saeed, just got suspended for smoking in class!
by Wassupguys34 October 19, 2019
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A means of transportation for egyptians and arabs across scorching deserts and restricted areas (Area 51, the back of McDonalds etc.)
The man on a camel came wandering into MdDonalds and strolled into the back without our moral consent.
by Bastardized Bottomburp July 31, 2003
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-A term used to describe a skinny toothless dirt-bag that wears an unzipped oversize camouflage or plaid work coat, with a pack of cheap cigarettes in the breast pocket, and a chewing tobacco stained and/or moth eaten white t-shirt underneath. Also will wear shredded jeans and massive steel toed boots with no socks. They also slick their hair with their own scalp grease. Their chin will sometimes touch their nose when their face is in a relaxed state due to having no teeth to support their face. A camel's walk is extremely unique, and awkward to watch. They tend to bend their knees and lean backwards when they walk, making their undone jacket look like a cape. Their huge boots are so heavy that they don't fall over.
Is that a dead person in the ditch? Oh never mind, it's just a camel.
by noneofyoureffinbuisness January 3, 2011
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Maker of the best squares in the world
pass me the camels fucker i need a square
by MrGrinch August 7, 2003
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Sometimes known as the ships of the dessert. Usually because they are full of arab seamen.
That ship if the dessert is drippy look at those arab seamen dripping out.
by Oham March 14, 2005
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camel- means kms
barbie- you just need to camel
teresa- what?
by howdy folk August 6, 2018
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