Tall,blonde,cute,crazy at parties, fun to hang with. If your a real judgmental person you would not like Archie at first. because Archie is a little bit fluffy but don't judge him for that. once you get to know him hes funny cute and kinky. Archie will go for women that are tall and brown or blonde hair. if you see Archie at a party be careful hes a party animal. Archie favorite sports are ether football or wrestling. you don't want to mess with Archie hes strong and fast. A Archer would ether be A country boy/cowboy. Archie is just as concerned about a girl friends needs as his own. Archie dose not take shit from people who call him fat he will manhandle you and hurt you badly. well if your looking for A Archie to date or hang with fallow those details.
guy1:that guys fun and strong.
guy2:such a Archie.
girl1:he cute and funny.
girl2:such a Archie.
by cowboy69 May 2, 2012
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Archie is a certain creature of an elf like ancestry sent to defeat the E girls and eradicate simping once and for all.
Simp: who is that godly being?
E girl: my downfall

Archie has awakened
by Lankyman69 December 23, 2020
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Archie is the best person you will ever meet. He is really hot, intelligent, caring of others and a bit secretive at first but once you get to know him he is the best friend you could have. He makes the grades, is really fit and athletic as well as passing his grades.
Person 1 “ Hey have you seen Archie anywhere
Person 2 “Yeah he is working out
Person 1 “ Well that’s Archie for you”
by Kasper284 June 9, 2018
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Ooo that Archie boy , his cock is so big !
by Bluepigeon34 January 27, 2018
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A fit SENPAI who gets a lot of booty

Archie is cute and kind who will fuck anyone he wants
Person:Hey archie I masturbate to you regularly

Archie:I know penguin ting
by jennybigjugs January 2, 2020
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A person studying architecture. Easily identifiable by a slightly zombie-like demeanor, i.e. stumbling about in a half-lucid daze. They can be found in studio spaces, desperately clutching pencils, pieces of wood, and caffinated drinks.
What happened to John?

Oh, he's been asleep for 36 hours. He's an archie.
by shizke May 11, 2005
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