


The act of defecating on a person’s bed, or side of the bed, while they are away. Most commonly, the target is your life partner, sibling, or close friend. This makes it much more easily excused as a “joke gone wrong,” on the off chance your stunt gets any major publicity and unwanted widespread attention.
(1) “I heard you rubbed your nuts on my drum set.”

“Yeah? And what’re you gonna do about it?”

“I’m gonna Amber Turd you when you leave to that job interview tomorrow!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

(2) “Duude I hear what happened, and I just have to say I’m so, so sorry and my family has the best therapist ever. I can give you their number.”

“Yeah thanks, I’m gonna need it. That bitch Amber Turded me real fucking good this time.”
by AmberTurdOriginal May 6, 2022
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A derogatory name specifically in reference as an insult when referred to as one of the parties whom have been part taking in the long-lasting public defamation case stemming from drama in between the Human Johnny Depp and the... Whatever it is, Amber Heard.
by worthings May 19, 2022
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Someone who will shit in the bed of their Nemesis to assert dominance. A sociopath and narcissist who craves all the attention but can never get it.
Someone who is generally a mediocre actor with little tits, and a small brain. Note: has the ability to cry with no tears! Beware of this even wench.
"oh no! It's amber turd, that shitty actress that tried to ruin Johnny Depp! Quick, throw a bottle of wine and some Seroquel at it"
by NekeDGrannMah May 8, 2022
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To take a shit on your significant others side of the bed if you are "mad" at them.....

To take an "angry" shit on the bed....especially on the side that your mate sleeps on....

To take a shit somewhere and then blame the dog for it..........

If you do any of those things listed above.....then you might just be classified as an "Amber Turd"
Amber Heard took a shit on Johnny Depp's side of the bed because she was mad at him.....(for some petty shit)....

.......therefore..... Amber Heard has committed an "Amber Turd"........

I bet the Queen of England commits "Amber Turd" all over the Royal Palace.......

If Hitler were my husband, I would commit an "Amber Turd" to him......
by #AlexisMason May 19, 2022
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1. the present act of shitting a turd onto the bed/mattress of your boyfriend/spouse
2. the trend of girlfriends/wives shitting onto their significant other's bed or mattress
"Can you please stop Amber turding onto my bed!"
"Why the hell are you Amber turding my mattress!?"
by Alexthepopgamer May 4, 2022
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When you Amber Turd a situation.
Used as a replacement for “Shit The Bed
Yesterday I was supposed to pickup my grandmother from the airport. I completely Amber Turd when I was late by 5 hours.
by Zee13Sikkalo April 26, 2022
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the act of shitting a turd/solid fecal matter onto the bed of your boyfriend/spouse like actress Amber Heard.
"My girlfriend just Amber turded onto my bed."
"Kevin broke up with his ex after she Amber turded onto his bed a couple weeks ago."
by Alexthepopgamer May 4, 2022
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