A book of things for old people to purchase to make their retarted children to do more work for them. Ie: weelchairs, sinks, bathtub surrounds.
I need an AARP book, that kitchen sink is leaking and I don't have enough money to get a new one instauled.
by Me March 7, 2005
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Can't you get on that website?
No, my computer's gone all AARP on me. It's so slow.
by bnewtonf September 1, 2010
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the angry ass rape providers.
mean people who run around with the intention only of ass raping other innocents. these people are generally very angry. also found in many prisons around the world
those AARP's were running rampantly through the streets yesterday.
by in33dah3ro January 24, 2007
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When an elderly person, such as your grandfather, complains incessantly about nothing.
Grandpa ruined another family dinner by aarping the whole time about his bunions.
by katamos August 30, 2008
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Getting old, (Derived from the organization that caters to seniors)
Man hurry the fuck up, I'm AARPing over here!

Dude 1: Hey , you going out with us tonight?
Dude 2: Nah man, I gotta work tomorrow, I'm just gonna go home.
Dude 1:: Man you're AARPing!
by Some wiseman November 12, 2017
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An old ass person, who usually like to bitch about stuff like: not enough handicapped parking at Old Country Buffet, prescription drug prices, and how good the "Good Old Days" were.
"Damn, that bitch with the cane is AARP."
by A Law January 12, 2005
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When an elderly person is using the restroom.

Esp. when he/she is taking a long time.
Person 1: Do you have any idea where Grandpa is?

Person 2: No idea, he' been gone a while. Maybe he's aarping
by bamyo June 24, 2011
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