1 + 1 is 11 obviously cuz 1 and 1 is 11. if you are a dumm person who thinks its 2, then you need to see a doctor
person 1: hey what's 1 + 1?
person 2: 2.. duh
person 3: no stoopid its 11
person 2: oh right.
by yous3rname September 3, 2021
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Used as a modern day "etc" or "and so on" in dialogue, generally used in memes to respresent a stereotypical individual of a group.
by locoloopsy February 10, 2017
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The hardest question you'll find in a math test
1 + 1 = orange
by MythicalCode_ March 19, 2018
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If the era of the dinosaurs isn't justified, why should this equation be?
Your Teacher: "Because it's math you idiot! 1 + 1 isn't rocket science!"
My Teacher: "?"
Nice Teacher: "Nice try! I'll help you later!"
Best Teacher: "....."
by howdareyouopposememortal October 8, 2020
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Its a very simple math problem, but yet its freaking hard at three in the morning without coffee.
by Zack the feind ninja January 9, 2006
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Q: So you gonna kick my ass?
A: 1+1 baby.....it's on. 1+1!
by Benjamin Funke January 8, 2006
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