the residual feeling and realization of shame that takes place once you've shamed yourself and you recognize what you've done; anxiety and feelings of low self-worth are all symptoms of post-shame
I feel so much post-shame right now from doing that keg stand at that party last night and falling flat on my face in front of the guy I like.
by iamkenneth December 8, 2013
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Traffic caused by students and faculty alike while transitioning from one class to another.
Dude, that teacher nearly ran straight into me during that post-class hallway traffic.
by Huntsvegas February 9, 2022
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Post-Spacetime is a hypothesis and a stance that holds that there are things beyond spacetime and that those things should be studied and explored, often seeking on the exploration of what's beyond spacetime and seeking on develop means to study what's beyond that. Furthermore, post-spacetime can also refer to the idea of superation of the spacetime and to evolve humanity into a post-spacetime civilization and societies who lives beyond spacetime. Post-spacetime also supports theories such as extraterrestrials exists beyond spacetime and they already created means to exist and live beyond spacetime and it also holds that extraphysics and extraphysical mechanics might be useful to explain what's beyond spacetime and that being extraphysical means being beyond spacetime. Where extraphysical life, extraphysical civilizations and extraphysical societies are life, civilizations and societies that exist beyond spacetime and that extraphysicalism and extramaterialism are philosophies that deals with what's beyond spacetime, and where spirituality, religion, esoterics and occultism are forms do deal what's beyond spacetime and they might be useful to explain what's beyond spacetime. Post-spacetime also holds that multiverses and other dimensions exist beyond spacetime and that's the why it's literally impossible to detect them, also supporting epistemological pluralism in order to study what's beyond spacetime.
"The post-spacetime hypothesis is really great, sadly it might take some time until become mainstream, but while it doesn't happen, it's just develop it even more for become mainstream itself."
by Full Monteirism May 26, 2021
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the uneducated fans of Christian Rock band, Skillet. Pre-Awake is the other group.
Pre-Awake being fans that have known and listened to Skillet for years before their 2009 release of their Awake album.
Post-Awake, of course, being the opposite. This group of fans mainly only know of Skillet for the mainstream released songs "Monster" and "Hero" and really dont know some of the band's history.
Post-Awake fan: OMG I love that new band Skillet!
Pre-Awake fan: Oh really? whats your favorite song?
Post: Monster of course. Yours?
Pre: Forsaken
by Road_Kill_88M_90 February 9, 2011
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A person that recognizes true friendship comes from really considering other people. This person finds a great distaste in elitist and segregation-like behavior. This person finds value in understanding where people come from, and appreciates the value in what "nerds" and "jocks" do. The only kind this person hates are those who feed upon the social order.
Nerd: Have you heard of DotA?
Super-Clique: No *looks at phone as if busy*.
Nerd: Oh, okay.

Nerd: Have you heard of DotA?
Clique: No, what is it?
Nerd: Oh it's this very awesome game.
Clique: *starts to look at phone* Oh yeah?
Nerd: Yeah..

Nerd: Have you heard of DotA?
Post-Clique: No, what is it?
Nerd: Oh it's this very awesome game.
Post-Clique: *makes eye contact* What makes it awesome?
Nerd: Oh, well...
by internationaltoidentitype February 22, 2012
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A method, usually in studying, in which one covers a wall with post-it containing useful information
I can't believe she is post-it-ing her whole wall!
by moodle0707 December 16, 2009
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A tobacco using, meat eating, fixed gear rider with tattoos who delivers food all over town and wears a hip pouch every day regardless of the occasion.
Post modern hipsters are so anti conformity
by Surlkone March 7, 2016
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