Doing, or about to do, something in a very complete and expedient fashion.
Need someone to fix anything electronic? I'm all over it.
by Anonymous July 8, 2003
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fo shizzle nizzle.i can hizzle the situizlle so be rizzle
by CHICO July 30, 2003
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liking it, loving it
What? A green pinto with T.V.'s in the headrest? Hell yeah, I'm all over it.
by Mo July 31, 2003
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Are you getting tickets to that game? Yo, I'm all over it.
by MisterE July 14, 2003
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A variation of the phrase "on it", e.g., ...on it like a fly on shit, ...on it like white on rice.
The last time I made a math error the IRS was all over it like a duck on a junebug.
by harry flashman July 14, 2003
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The person desires said thing/person. They plan to obtain/do it soon because it is good.
When Sally saw the gold crutch, she knew Little Timmy would be all over it.
by becky July 24, 2003
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when you've have been 'making love to a pretty woman' (fucken a bitch) for more than 50 minutes.
Man-Dude, i was banging her till dawn
Friend-Nah, no way
Man-Lemme tell you, i was 'all over it' last night
Friend-hope you used a condomd
by Adam McD July 18, 2003
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