Is what you say when someone either within a defined perimeter, or smell-shot radius of you, farts. If you are the farter, you must pass the fart by tapping (or hitting) someone, and then shouting jab shield, which prevents it from being passed back. If someone smells your fart they can shout jabshield before you have decided to even pass it, thereby alerting others to the fart. The objective is to not be the person stuck with the fart.
Bill: {fart}
Bill hits Bob
Bill: Jab shield!
Bob: Doh!
Ben: Jab shield!
Bryan: Jab shield!
Bob hits Bernard
Bob: Jabshield!
Bernard: Dammit!

Bernard is stuck with the fart.
by yoyoyoyourmama July 26, 2006
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When u fist someones arse then proceed to jab them with their shite on ur fist
Jonnys mum was cheeky so i to jobby jab her to keep her in place
by Ecktamine August 14, 2015
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When the man has too quickly skipped through foreplay and tries to jab his erect penis repeated into a dry, very dry vagina; the only thing usually accomplished is a angry irritated vagina. The results of repeated invasion of an improperly lubricated vagina by an impatient erect penis.
One guy says to his buddy, "Hey man, did you score with that hot chick you took home last night?"
His buddy responds, "I think so, when I tried to hit it again this morning, she said she was suffering from "jab rash'."
by herumgirl November 24, 2013
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That thing where a guy gets on all fours like a scorpion, then he chases the girl around trying to sting her with his dick.
“Man, you give your girl the Arizona Jab yet? My girl straight is poisoned from my pokey dick.”
by Beef Dunker August 28, 2021
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Do you know why? I do. And I could tell you what to do (in specificity) to fix the problem. Money back guaranteed. It's actually a good story.
"I can't fine my jab"

Hym "Ooo I want to tell him so bad! But I don't want to give it away. But I KNOW exactly what's going to happen. He's going to pay his coach. Instead of me. And I'm not going to get any credit. And that would be lame. But I'll do it. I can't do it here because I'll give it away. And I'm correct. It's good."
by Hym Iam September 14, 2023
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Used to signify to others that an individual is just a bro. No more, no less.
Dude, is it true you have a thing for Jennifer?
Nah man, she's jab.
Jab? As in she's just a bro?
Took the words right outta my mouth

Hey, do you have a thing for Billy?
Nahhh, hes jab.
Oh, just a bro!

-JAB (just a bro)-
by jfreshh February 15, 2019
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