When your watching porn, hentai, or other sexually related things and you find a video that's so good you share it on that one discord or subreddit your in.
Friend: How did you get so much Karma?!
Me: Instant Goods.
by False pseudonym May 15, 2020
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When u fall and claim u broke one of your bones when its just a miner injury
Patrick fell and twisted his ankle but his busy yelling that he broke his leg #instant doctor
by Meq_Frost October 10, 2020
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When you fall and claim u broke one of your bones when its just a miner injury
Instant doctor : Patrick fell and twisted his ankle but his busy yelling that he broke
by Meq_Frost October 10, 2020
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Immediate infatuation; "love" at first sight; seeing a girl and immediately wanting to be with her not knowing anything about her except her looks. See thirsty
Whoa man look at that girl over there, instant thirst.
by A Bottle Of Water December 27, 2013
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A state of amusement or to have found something funny.
A: Yo man check out this new cologne I got, smells fresh right?

B: Dog, that garbage smells like doo doo.

A: Shut the fuck up!

B: Haha, oh man instant weak.
by RG3RM4N3L0CloakCloak3d November 20, 2010
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Smash. Have sex with.

smashmash potato
Tonight can end in two ways; instant clash or instant mash.
by Thomas Harold Watson December 20, 2015
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Jacob: Aye ma man, do you have Instant Relax?
by FlyingKP February 6, 2023
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