I was drinking from a gat bucket last night but I couldn't handle the turkey basters anymore so I just made up a fresh one of my own.
by Scallywagz July 4, 2009
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Slang terminology for a gun. Many people thing the term is short for the gatling gun which was an 1860s multi fire rapid machine gun. Around the late 1800s to turn of the century, the term gatlin became term for a revolver.

It was not until the 1939 when the crime/mystery author Raymond Chandler detective character Philip Marlowe used the term gat to refer to any kind of pistol or small hand held gun, in the novel The Big Sleep.
I pulled my gat out and pointed it in his direction to let him know I was done playing games.
by d0wnt0wn May 31, 2020
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string = Gay
string2 = t
"Ayy bro you know Johnny is Gat"
"For real? I have a friend like him"
by Alom1 October 16, 2021
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the most awesome person is gat he's the best i love texting him and i love gat. metro boom and make it boom
gat is my bff
by MANGO 1010010010 March 29, 2022
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It means gay and fat
Friend “ Hi
You “Your so gat bro
by SilenCe Hazard April 7, 2020
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