1: A term used for something that is rarely achieved or rather inconceivable.

2: Another meme ruined in one of PewDiePie's videos.
Every PewDiePie fan: "Oh boy, i sure hope there's gonna be a bonus meme in this week's meme review!"

*clap* *clap*

*PewDiePie disappoints his fans yet again*

Every PewDiePie fan: "Well .. better luck next time!"
by The Crispy Nips April 14, 2018
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Something you really wish for but never gets it.
by chocohole April 14, 2018
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Any pepperoni on a pizza that can be removed and eaten without disturbing or removing the cheese on that particular slice. This is a Bonus Pepperoni and may be removed and eaten by anyone, whether OR NOT they chose that slice.
"Why is there hardly any pepperoni on this pizza?"."Because I ate all the bonus pepperoni."
by Sheenamg September 15, 2019
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When something good is happening, and then, without plan or expectation, something also really good happens as a result.
It's from Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune or something
Dude, you won't believe it- first Zac got me into this epic rave for free and then BONUS SPIN, he got us backstage passes and we got to hang out with the headliner. The stoke was so high.
by rooooooooooo December 10, 2021
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A program that a few lucky creators are chosen based on their views. Creators can also get paid for there content in this program.
I hope I can join the Facebook Bonus Program.
by Quentin Lambert July 20, 2022
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n. 100 points is awarded to you when you kill a monkey.

Note: this also works on monkees.
Katelyn steadied her rifle and shot the monkey, awarding her the monkey bonus.
by Awesomeman123 August 7, 2008
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