WOW! This girl has a 4.0 GPA, hundreds of service hours, is absolutely gorgeous, has guys falling all over her, is surrounded by an entourage 24/7, is at every Longhorn game, AND can drink you under the table?!! She MUST be a Texas Wrangler Darlin'
by KelseyJames1990 December 10, 2010
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Noun - A man who engages in the act of attempting to round up either side of the sex for a active night of sexual escapades. Formerly a deragatory term it can be used in a flattering sense.
You see that dude their he's an ass wrangler.
by Bob Saget May 6, 2005
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When you kick someone in the head after ejaculating in them while there is a rope around there neck. It is optional to keep going if they are knocked out!
Did you see sally last night? IO totally Round house wranglered her . She was knocked out so i went for 2 more rounds.
by Honeyham February 25, 2016
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When a person of the male persuasion feels a sense of attraction for a man or woman, with an obvious bulge in their jeans to show for it.
Whenever I watch our sweaty neighbor, John, mowing his lawn without a shirt, in those truly tight and revealing shorts, I get all rammy in my wranglers. He certainly knows how to put on a show.
by Happy Wolf December 3, 2006
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A man who is skilled at locating and stimulating a woman's G-spot.
Schmetz is one hulluva G-spot Wrangler, yo. I heard his girl squirted everywhere.
by G-money 97 August 31, 2013
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A secret organization of German ex- Nazis who dedicate their time to sucking toes and tickling feet. Not a force to be reconded with.
Guy 1: Dude I could not sleep at all last night.
Guy 2: Why?
Guy 1: The German Toe Wranglers came and ate my feet.
by ProhibiousMonkey October 27, 2019
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The employee at a super market who is hired strictly for stocking fish sticks. This person is usually a 15 year old boy with pale skin, glasses, and red curly hair.
Boss: Boy do what you were hired to do and be a Fish Stick Wrangler
Boy: Ok
by SGWalnut July 8, 2010
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