Josh had the biggest dick you have ever seen. He also had a six pack and is really kind and funny
by Hil ik November 23, 2021
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Funny , Rlly nice , usually really tall , if u have a josh as a friend never let him go he’s an amazing boy xx
by chavygirl#1 October 17, 2019
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Someone that trys sport but does not achieve anything. Usually cricket player that buys bat that he thinks are good but are shit and are timber.
by Josh is shit April 17, 2019
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The nicest guy you will ever meet who will always put you first. In another language josh can also be known as a sexy hunk of a man.Its also known that if you have the name josh you most likely have a bigger dick than people with the name Rory
Josh portrays someone who gives love and empathy
by Hemi HP September 4, 2019
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a smart-af gay bitch.
Person 1: Woah, whos THAT weirdo?
Person 2: Oh, you mean Josh?
by superwoman85 September 10, 2020
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