A spelling of "Really" for people who hate vowels. Occasionally spelled "Rly."
Joe: I love Jake Paul
Sam: Rlly dude?
by Artachuttes January 6, 2018
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Hey that show was awesome

“4 rlly”
by aceless666 August 8, 2023
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This phrase, in perfect grammar is "Oh Really?", but in online lingo, you type it as "o rlly". This is mostly used when you are kind of shocked in a lollerskating kind of way.
Person A: Hey dude I found some awesome stuff downtown!
Person B: O rlly
by lollerjoe July 29, 2003
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"it rlly be like that sometimes..." is a term used mainly in texting and sometimes in conversation. often used in a sad contexts to relate to the person jokingly and often doesn't make any sense

friend:"man my dog just died and I'm sad"
you:"it rlly be like that sometimes..."
friend and you:snicker
friend:"it rlly do"
by i am you but you are nothing September 26, 2018
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Person 1-my fish just drowned

Person 2-say rlly bro
by Thebaddestboutherebrudda January 2, 2022
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