To be born female, transition to male and becoming a femboy.
Matias: Wow, this femboy is so sexy! I wonder how does he hides his D
Jessica: Oh no, he doesn't have a penis.
Matias: So it's a girl?
Jessica: No, he did a Fake Feint
by Demimimi June 26, 2023
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A phrase commonly used as to when one has the desire to show off how much cash they have, but in reality you only have $2 lazy ass *sobs*
"Man, I am gonna make it rain tonig- no, wait, I'm faking it rain cuz I'm broke af"
by slovakianspoopdookies February 3, 2018
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Being so savagely tricked that you can't believe what just happened. (i.e. A teacher telling you don't need to worry about an exam and then giving you the most difficult test you've ever taken)
Guy #1 - Nancy asked for my number. I I thought we were going to go out, but she just pinned it in the girl's bathroom with a "Text me for period advice" sign.
Guy #2 - Damn bro, spicy fake-out
by @MissTake September 21, 2020
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man 1 : yo you saw his IG? he's been doing crazy cool shit lately like a G.

man 2: nah bruv. he is faking all those so call cool shit. he borrow cash from others to flex on IG pretending he's rich and G. that my friend is what a fake G look like.
by dude KO May 8, 2023
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People who are not your parents by blood or law, but act as such regardless.
Homie #1: "Ever since my dad left and mom started smoking crack, I've been spending most nights at Jack's house. His parents are super nice, they don't mind me being over so much at all."

Homie #2: "That's great man, it sounds like you've got yourself some fake parents."
by The Rhino Hunter, Edgar November 2, 2023
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the day where you post all your fake ass friends either with or without a description on why they fake on they photo or go up to them and tell em they a fake ass friend
by yeah i make the best days November 9, 2021
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Someone who has no standards or morals. Woe’d by popular opinion.
The Zlavarkus is a fake n fraud, he goes to a USC game wearing an LSU hoodie when they play Mizzou.
by stankyhankanddaboyz October 30, 2022
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