Yuh Yuh is a amazing word, in fact it could be a sentence. It is oftenly used as beautifulness or when your just bored, OR when you have nothing to say.
by sashawithchippies January 15, 2023
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Synonymous with Perfect, Angelic, Gorgeous, sexy as hell. A smile that melts steel and makes men weightless. No equal in sweetness, intelligence, beauty or rocking a guy's socks off.
by Outside liNe backer February 5, 2016
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Basically its your mother's boyfriend, husband or your father ...
Marco : is way u get them nasty clothes from boi ??

Josh : from yuh Mudda Man .
by Yuh Mudda Man July 15, 2022
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A yuh huh is used to agree with someone or something. A yuh huh CANNOT be used against a Nuh uh.
Tyler: wow allyssa you’re the smartest person I know!!
Allyssa: yuh huh
by TheRatKing•_• October 9, 2023
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Way of saying Yes in the best of ways to win an argument
Boyfriend: I’m totally wrong and admitting defeat right now
Me: Yuh huh
by October 25, 2023
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A Trinidadian colloquial term used when someone's sanity is in question.
Dan: I jus spend bout a 1000 on dis Spanish thing I meet in Sando.

Johnny: Dawg like yuh head shaking awa?
by GenesisExodus April 27, 2023
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Surprise idiot pain screech. When you haven't had enough ketamine and need a extra boost just use this ancient mating call which gives you god like powers. But, if you happen to scream it too loud your intestines will liquefy into Diprivan and ketamine extract which will be used on the infamous puppygore.com where all peoples dreams are met. If you are lucky enough to survive then you will undergo a massive transformation into Jichael Mackson the top of thee food chain.
"As the comedian took the stage, he began to yuh yuckle yowl yowl, creating a hilarious atmosphere in the room."
by jefftys October 8, 2023
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