Definition 1: A shitty programming language that people think literally everything needs to be rewritten into.
Definition 2: Everybody who is using Rust is extremely toxic and wants the whole world to be rewritten in Rust.

RIP all other programming languages
Example 1:
Person 1: I've wrote my backend in Go
Person 2: Let's rewrite it in Rust
Person 1: Why Rust? Go works and is fast...
Person 2: I've SAID RUST. <invites 100 other Rust stans and they assault the Person 1 until he rewrites the goddamn thing into Rust>

Example 2:
Person 1 on Reddit: I've wrote this thing in <insert literally any programming language here>
Literally whole Reddit: RUST RUST RUST <eats Person 1 alive and rewrites the whole program in Rust so that they get 0.01% performance and code safety increase>

Example 3:
Person 1: I've rewrote the whole world in Rust, including water, sun, plants and animals. Now EVERYBODY THAT DOESN'T USE RUST WILL BE BANNED!1!1!!!!1!11!!!11111
Literally all Rust stans (negative IQ): RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST
<Person 2, who knows that he literally gained 0 performance and probably wrote worse code than original on C or C++, but everyone thinks it's better just because it's written in Rust, sits quietly in the corner and hides from the toxic Rust users>
by pls dont rewrite me in rust August 1, 2022
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A game where you get a house and live in it then steal other peoples houses and imprint on babies and then the entire game gets deleted and you start all over again.
Rust is so stupid. Only idiots like Kacper play rust.
by sexypolishgirl123 December 7, 2021
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A game that gives you serious depression if your bad at it
Hey bro should I get rust

No it will turn you into a condescending dickhead
by Mr. Sins' 9th wife December 28, 2022
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when you are masturbating and you bus-a-nut on yourself and your sperm drips down into your asshole
" dude i accidentally skunk rusted myself yesterday night" { TB-SG }
by young dagger dick { rip X } August 1, 2018
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Someone who has a severe addiction to the video game rust.

One of the most famous rust addictions was someone in alabama who had a stankyfinger.
Normal People: Hey dude, You have a rust addiction.
Stankyfinger: No i dont, I just need to go look at rust+ one more time.
by SussyRustPlayer July 3, 2021
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Losing skill in something that you used to have a lot in
Guy 1: Man, you’re so bad at this game
Guy 2: I’m rusting
by Generic Name II July 5, 2023
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While having anal sex with your female partner, massage the clitoral area until she ejaculates. At this time, simultaneously remove your penis from her anus, dip it in the ejaculate and proceed to paint her butthole
Hey bill, your sister let me do anal last night, and I even got to finish off with a rust check
by Fugserght November 6, 2015
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