When you learn or think of something that factual, true, real, or something else; However, when you rethink about this topic it seems really Obvious and you're not sure why you didn't think of it before or in that way. This is exactly like Gravity, where once you Know what it is, Then it is obvious. If you Don't know what gravity is, or Nobody knows what gravity is, then you wouldn't think of it until it is mentioned and Then you question why you didn't consider it before.

This is also why it took people so long to Learn what gravity is because nobody thought about it and it "just was" Before they Knew what it was. Now Gravity seems as obvious as breathing air and that air is oxygen, but before science nobody knew what air nor oxygen was, thus being another example of Gravity Philosophy.
Guy: "I feel tired and depressed, and I don't know why."

Girl: "That's because you haven't eaten anything with vitamins and nutrients in days; you need to eat more nutritious foods."
Guy: "You're right, all I've eaten is cheese pizza and soda, so that's some Gravity Philosophy."

Clothing Company: *Sprays millions of clothes with Unknown and Untested Chemicals to make them more flat.*
Scientist: "We have found that that chemical can seep into people's blood and skin, and cause serious problems with peoples health 20 years down the road.
20 Years Later: *millions of people get cancer*
Legal Legislation: "This chemical is now Banned due to consumer health problems."
Everybody: "I wish somebody with a sense of Gravity Philosophy did some testing before we all got sick."

All Prior Human "Scientists": "The Earth is Not round Nor a planet And is the center of the universe."
1600ish Galileo Galilei: "You're wrong, it is elementary science that is obvious Now."
2019 Trolls: "The Earth is Flat."
All People Everywhere: "I guess these guys never learned Gravity Philosophy in school. They Must be making millions selling silly T-shirts and merchandise on some ridiculous website."
Area 51 Raid Starters: "That's some Gravity Philosophy if I've ever heard any before. not a bad idea..."
by MCPKG October 12, 2019
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noun NORTH AMERICAN vulgar slang
noun: ass;

-a person's buttocks.

-women regarded as a source of sexual gratification.

noun: gravity

-the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth, or toward any other physical body having mass.




-the intense, unavoidable and irresistible attraction of ones eyes towards a particularly amazing booty, esp when paired with yoga pants or other form fitting clothing. Like actual physics, smaller bodies (eyes) are drawn to larger ones (booty), much like a pair of comets to Jupiter.

See also: #whitedwarf (small, white, still well rounded), #redgiant (of the larger red head variety)
Wife: “why are you staring at her ass?!?”
Me: “I’m not. Her Ass Gravity just brought my eyes into orbit.”

GF: “Slow down! You’re going to quick”
Me (from behind): “Sorry. It’s just that your Ass Gravity makes for a quick re-entry
by ironphoenix19 March 18, 2018
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Being on the receiving end of an especially violent unplanned sudden stop by coming in to contact with the ground. Also see face plant, hard slam, street pizza.
His parachute fail to open and he was Gravity’s Bitch.
Bob was not wearing a safety harness and when he fell off the roof, he was gravity’s bitch.
by The Whole Cactus April 2, 2023
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Euphemism for death by falling, usually implied to be murder. Compare lead poisoning.
Several Russian journalists critical of Vlad Putin's regime have died of "accidental" gravity poisoning.
by kittythecatty January 21, 2019
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