P-Snapchat (aka Premium Snapchat)

When they have ‘set up’ a premium Snapchat account this just means that they are willing to share out snaps of a sexual nature to others on Snapchat, in return for some payment.

This can mean that the person who has the premium Snapchat will either charge their Snapchat friends a membership fee, which may be a one-time or a recurring payment for access all content, or it may be a one-off payment for a particular service, like a naked picture or video.
Crystal: You want my P-Snapchat?... Premium Snapchat?
Tyrone: What in the Heck is That!? is it a App?
Crystal: When they have ‘set up’ a premium Snapchat account this just means that they are willing to share out snaps of a sexual nature to others on Snapchat, in return for some payment.
Tyrone: You want me to pay, you LMFAO!?
Crystal: Yeah don’t go looking for premium Snapchat on the App Store as you will not find it, and I fear for what you might find instead.
by GorillaWolf2099 November 20, 2020
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an app where you can flex your fortnite wins start drama with other people and facetime. Its our society all in one app... pretty cool huh?
snapchat gay use your regular messenger app.
by snapgayok November 2, 2019
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by VictoriaCrown1 February 28, 2018
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A social media app specifically designed to lower IQ. It is mainly used by people who send pictures of their walls to each other to mantain some stupid streaks
John: "I'm gonna install snapchat"
*john's iq decreases significantly*
by sticman9 October 16, 2022
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Abbreviated as SC - The mainstream photo/video messaging/stories app that made vertical filming acceptable.

Also, your mates can share (that is if they do use SC) what they're up to in the form of images, plus a few captions. They delete itself after 24 hours of relevancy.
A: "Do you use Snapchat?"

B: "Nah, I use Instagram Stories."

by Kit Rat November 23, 2018
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I took my Snapchat off of Quick Add because I'm not looking for a relationship.
by Delaneyab June 2, 2020
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