People named Jules are very funny and outgoing. They will do anything you tell them to do, they are very fun to hang around! They have very strong opinions on many topics and tend to go through many different phases. They will be your best friend and always want to hang out, they will never leave you hanging. If you’re in a bad mood go to a person named Jules! They won’t comfort you, but they definitely cheer you up with, jokes, etc. Sometimes they can be very aggressive, rude, loud, etc. But it’s ok, everyone is different! They will always be the highlight of your day! They will love you till the very end ❤️
Jules will literally do anything!!

Jules has such a strong opinion.
by don’t tell🤫 April 2, 2023
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A gender-neutral name reserved for the sexiest mfs on the planet.
“Wow, Jules is so swag. They are slaying in that outfit today!!”
by starkskiddo May 14, 2022
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A narcissist, when they get drunk and bully their family/friends. Normally a “Drunken Jule” is a female. High chance she’s also a Virgo.

Pronounced (drunk-in jewl)
Don’t pay her any mind, she’s just a Drunken Jule.
by Amethyst222 April 22, 2023
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The definition of a woman worse than a Karen. Face like a cats arse and feet like a banshee. Constant whinging and complaining about anything and everything in life. Natural selection needs to take her out. No bloke on planet earth can deal with her shit except some Santa Clause looking motherfucker named Philip.
That bitch is a 3 husband Jules.
by Bega House of Sin September 24, 2023
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David Jules is the ultimate French you want to avoid. He doesn’t talk much, but he certainly catches your attention. He is intelligent, calm and tough. He takes opportunities that life brings along. You might accidentally fall in love with him without noticing. You don’t want to get too close to him cause it’s better to keep him as a lover, just like an old movie that you want to watch again time to time.
David Jules? Your middle name is Jules?
by Belea November 22, 2021
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The cutest and funniest girl you will ever meet. She is hot and really talented at many things in life. She is smart, but can sometimes just need some help. She is caring and has lots of love to spread(for you).
Julee is so cute, I just want to give her a hug!
by Anonymous2340f December 11, 2021
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