1. Someone who likes discovering corn during anal sex.

2. A fag
Arthur loves being a corn cave commando with his Spanish boy toy.
by unscarred77 September 28, 2010
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A derogatory name for user of 4chan's /k/, especially one who fantasizes about going to war with law enforcement agents or military personnel. More often than not has little to no formal training in gun fighting, but maintains a sense of confidence they could take on SOF and Federal agents.
"Remember that /k/eyboard commando who tried to shoot up that federal building?"
by CharlieFoxtrot14 October 3, 2019
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one who is thirsting for anal sex usually homo-erotic males.
Two backdoor commandos raided my home and my Ass!
by Alex August 9, 2003
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A person online who chooses causes, catastrophies, and news events to support OR boycott. Pat-Pat Commando's read about something online or hear half of a story on the news and then choose to take a stance in an effort to collect as many "Pat-Pats" from Efriends as possible. The Pat-Pat Commando typically communicates through every-single-effing forum and social network they can find and typically leave said network if they do not receive the correct amount of attention to suit their drama ridden narcissistic needs.
Hey! Did you see what that Pat-Pat Commando posted? She is on her politically correct high horse calling people racists again.
by Mrs. Pickles June 27, 2013
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Doing a pant sag or G-Sag without underwear and unshaved so they can see how manly you are by how much hair you have (if you do this your a real man)
All the ladies are blushing cuz im doing da commando pant sag im pretty sure im going to jail for indecent exposure but it was worth it bro
by beatmeater3000 July 14, 2021
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Someone that talks about combat video games as if they were actual combat. Someone who's entire knowledge of weapons and warfare is gleaned from playing video games. A person with no actual military of combat experience but acts as if they do because they play video games such as "call of duty", "medal of honor", "army of two", Ect
"That Guy is a real call of duty commando"
by Illharbinger January 6, 2013
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Similar to Going Commando. To wear closed toe shoes without socks, giving you blisters
"Man, my heel is killing me, I shouldn't have gone blister commando yesterday"
by Kevin February 22, 2005
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