When a man shits all over a girls chest, then the woman shits on the mans chest, they play naked twister while fucking her in the butt, then adds a whipped cream topping by ejaculating all over her back.
Julia was just a big Belgian pretzal sandwich with shit on her chest and spunk on her back
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The act of shoving a subway sandwich into the intestines of a partner's anus. Then giving them a unhealthy dose of laxatives and having the partner shit the sandwich either onto bread and eat it, or straight into the mouth of the other partner.
I think we should do the Belgian Subway, my anus is gaping
by ginormoarantouspenis March 27, 2022
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When one fills their sock with their own shit and cum (in either order), before tying the end and throwing it. (Not to be confused with a Turkish hand grenade.)
He really needed to pay, so I Belgian Molotov’d his ass
by Phil T. Ash October 30, 2023
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When a cowboys fan gets a reach around from Tony Homo. Eeeeeeeemagine.
Bro, you were apart of a Belgian Circle last Sunday?
by StillDemBoyz September 23, 2020
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A sexual encounter where 12 German men rail your wife, while you masturbate from the closet, covered in chocolate (cause Germans).
Grüben: Yah, so what do this weekend, Yan?

Yan: Oh you know, we just stayed in and ordered the Belgian Commuter Train. My wife really rode them to pleasure town, one by one!
by Ol Toofless Crack-Ho October 17, 2022
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When one only uses a spray deodorant, instead of taking a shower first.
- Dude, I'm so sweated after this training, but I don't have a towel.
- If you've got a deo spray, Belgian shower will do.
by brunorc September 19, 2023
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Performed on uncircumcised gentlemen, it is the act of pulling the foreskin back as far as possible, stretching the banjo string to full tension then flicking it with the tip of the tongue until baby gravy is jettisoned.
I was going to leave Sarah last weekend, but she performed a textbook Belgian Harpsichord on me on Friday night. The wedding is next June.
by HarpsichordsRUs February 4, 2023
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