The iconic duo that never leave each others side in school.

They have the same classes and strut to each one of them.

They are so similar yet so different and thats what make them the dream team.
They will be famous from their future podcast suggested by their sick ass english teacher who they love.
"do you see those girls over there?"
"yea they are the Dream Team"

"They'll be famous"
by oscar2005 July 30, 2021
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When a team in any sport consists of players high above the rest of the competition
eg. 1992 Men's Basketball Team,2009 Barcelona
Josh: Yo we made a fucking Dream Team

David: Yeah bro these mfs are about to get destroyed
by FadedIsCool January 28, 2023
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The most iconic duo of the century who frequently bless others with the pleasure of a selfie with them.
by bumbletired March 14, 2023
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This is the delicate art of taping a drill to your penis and screwing someone. The possibilities are LITERALLY endless!
Jon recently bought a powerblade; he gave a Miners Dream to his ladyfriend. She is now in the hospital
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My girl is such a dream cake, I love her more than anything in the world.
by Cakez May 13, 2023
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People that have on-line stores they think they should be making millions of dollars without ever spending a dime on advertising or SEO.
Filed Of Dreams Syndrome - Anyone that is mad because no one shops at their crappy little store. Then they blame the web host who has nothing to do with it.
by delarion October 12, 2010
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A sus dream is when a straight person has a gay dream that makes them question their sexuality.
Guy 1: "Bro, i had a real sus dream last night."
Guy 2: "Bro thats hella gay."
by CakeGamez October 28, 2021
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