n; The act of smoking a bowl while sitting on the toilet taking a shit.
Dude, I just had a double bowl and went to class, how baller is that?
by Somatic Psycho February 11, 2011
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A man having sex with a woman in a bathroom pulls out before he climaxes and cums on the toilet bowl, the woman proceeds to lick it up off the toilet bowl.
While I was giving Shelby the flying squirrel, I pulled out to make her a Tallahassee Toilet Bowl.
by SavageSmack November 15, 2016
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A term used to describe the haircut of Cole Sprouse. The hairstyle is basically an overgrown bowl-cut slicked back in a greasy mess.
"Have you seen Craig's new haircut?"
"Yes, he looks stunning with that Cole-Bowl"
by Onyxwaffle May 21, 2017
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Brazil nut, strawberry, pear, fig, rockmelon,
coconut yoghurt
Can I please have a soji bowl for breakfast
by Big French June 7, 2019
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A game played between two or more guys in which you gain points from having sex with various types of women. The characteristics of the girl and the time & place in which you have sex with her determines the amount of points each player can gain. This game is generally played when a group of friends visit a foreign country because the game is focused on having sex with women of a different nationality than the players.
Alex- "So who actually won the Bropez Bowl this spring break?"

Austin- "I'm not sure. We have to sit down and count our points when we get back home."
by I_S_S_U_E_S January 13, 2016
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Smoking weed in a convertible. The opposite of a Hot Box.
We rode around in Kathy’s mom’s Cabrio. We decided to cold bowl it so the upholstery wouldn’t smell. I froze my ass off and got ash in my eye.
by Kasey Keo December 7, 2018
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