When four or five guys team up on a single girl and sexually harass her until she begins to secretly cut the back of their scrotums until their testicles dangle out of the back of their pants
Hey, you wanna do me on a chinese bed
Not until fifth period chinese
by foooswagga February 10, 2010
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When the pussy so good you go up two dimension. The Fifth Dimension is a level of consciousness. We move into this level of consciousness after Self Realization has occurred.
dame girl, your pussy making me nut all the way to the Fifth Dimension. Fifth Dimension fuck ia the fastest way to go up two dimension
by Dr.BDE January 25, 2020
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A boner that does not let you concentrate on anything but fifth grade fantasies and does nothing but remind you of the fifth grade and confuses everyone around you
person 1:"I have a raging fifth grade boner right now"
person 2"what the fuck are you talking about??"
by Eddoooo1234 September 27, 2011
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In short, it is the Craving or desire for the Unknown. Most widely believed to be innuendo for affection on a physical level, it can be also used to describe anything of a mysterious, unknown nature, that is craved...

A Breif History on the Origins:

A Message was sent Via SMS, stating that there was 5 points needed to get accross to the reciepient:
* The Recipient was loved
* The Recipient was missed
* The Recipient was wanted
* The Recipient was needed
* The *fifth point* would be expressed and/or demonstrated in person.

From that point in time on, the words 'Fifth Thing Syndrome' refered to the craving to have that fifth thing demonstrated. Thus, the 'Fifth Thing Syndrome' was born.

Its Basic Uses Summarised:
1) Sexual Innuendo
2) Mysterious Anticipation
3) Santie Claus
Use 1:
Boyfriend: Damn, you're looking fine tonight!
Girlfriend: I think you've got fifth thing Syndrome... I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Use 2:
Father: I think I got you a supprise
Son: Yes...? I want to see it, now!
Father: I think you have 'Fifth Thing Syndrome' No, I plan on saying these three words in conjunction to your want for a supprise to sound impressive

Use 3:
Louis Armstrong: 'Zat you, Santie Claus?
Santa: I have a present, but I'm going to hide it until the morning, so you build up anticpation, thus creating in yourself a Fifth Thing Syndrome
by Big jasE February 12, 2005
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A tradition at Wake Forest held at the tailgate of the last football game. Participators (the 4th years, or seniors) buy a fifth of their favorite liquor and its bottoms up until it is finished. Then, a shit show of epic proportions ensues, which includes, but is not limited to: stumbling, falling, making out, breaking tables, throwing up, spraying keg beer all over the audience, and passing out. Loud singing of everybody's favorite songs to sing when their drunk is a common occurance (e.g. "Wagon Wheel" by Old Crow Medecine Show).
Dude, Wake Forest Senior Fifth this year was insane! Everybody was so drunk!
by seenitwithmyowneyes January 29, 2011
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the act of tying your hoodie around your waste, which is often done by young kids and tennis players.
Sarah: Woah, is Jenn a tennis player?

David: nah she's just pulling a fifth grader
by Endstep January 13, 2011
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A special Bob's Burgers burger that's served with "five golden rings of onion"
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Fifth Day of Christmas Burger, you should try it!"
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