any made up day in october is cancelled because its shut the fuck up snapchat month.
Sarah: "hey its grab ass mon-"
Lucy: "you got that from snapchat right?"
Sarah: "yeah"
Lucy: "well it doesn't count because its shut the fuck up snapchat month"
by imtiredofthisbsplease October 3, 2020
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A very serious illness where a person excessively posts snaps of their face while drunk
Jenny: Oh my god, have you seen Saras stories?
Emma: No, why?
Jenny: She got the Snapchat Shit-faced Syndrome and it's bad.
Emma: Oh, the good ole' triple S.
by gokioki aka gogoloco June 11, 2018
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A philandering teenage boy who is popular and active on Snapchat. Such a person often has a very high snap score, and is a very active poster to their story. They also often vape, as well as send and solicit nudes. They may also often use many abbreviations in their Snapchat conversations and on their stories.
Person One: Yo, did you hear what Brent did last night?

Person Two: Yeah, he’s a total Snapchat Boy.
by Not_Snapchat_Boy September 5, 2021
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The delusion that comes with being on Snapchat and constantly thinking you look like your filtered version of yourself
Girl: Posts clearly filtered picture
Guy: Hey we know that really isn’t you and that you’re not really a cat
Girl: Dont be hating cause you think I’m cute
Guy: She clearly has Snapchat delusion

Girl: *snap* look at me shimmering and having day
by DD Alwhiney December 13, 2019
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where you try not to go on snapchat too much as it’s becoming an addiction so you don’t go on it anymore
person 1 : i’m addicted to snapchat i need to have a snapchat detox

person 2: i did that but i’m still addicted
by ijk February 26, 2019
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Conor Tierney, someone who uses snapchat extensively, usually to try and steal other people's girlfriends. However, would never speak to them in real life.
Conor Tierney is a big man snapchat warrior and talks to Tori on it, but never talks to her in the real world.
by TierneysMagicHat June 11, 2017
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If you check snapmap, they are active. 24/7
Dude, she’s such a snapchat warrior, everytime i check snapmap to see what’s up, she’s seen “just now
by nan212 May 16, 2022
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